Bovine colostrum is the first milk mother cows produce after giving birth to a calf. This nutrient-dense milk plays a critical role in the development of young calves. It has also captured the attention of health advocates throughout the years, and the history of colostrum being used by people extends back thousands of years. In…

Why Colostrum Supplements Are Good for the Diet of Babies and Toddlers
What Does Colostrum Do for Babies? What if I told you there’s an immune system-promoting, nutrient-dense superfood that may help your baby flourish … and it doesn’t cost a cent. A mother’s body produces this super-charged substance on its own. It isn’t magic… it is colostrum! Human colostrum, or breast milk, sometimes called “liquid gold,”…

What Are the Benefits of Taking Bovine Colostrum-LD?
For years people have been searching for a way to improve their gut health and overall well-being with a single product. In their search for this miracle product, many have found themselves researching colostrum, and more specifically, liposomally delivered bovine colostrum. While no product is a miracle product, the good news is that colostrum seems…

Probiotics vs Prebiotics: What’s the Difference?
Probiotics are naturally occurring bacteria that live on the lining of the intestinal tract. These beneficial bacteria aid in the digestion and absorption of food. People can take probiotics in supplement form and can also be found in a variety of foods. Prebiotics are a good companion to probiotic supplements and help digest and produce…

Signs Your Gut Bacteria Are Imbalanced
Your gut is home to more than the cheeseburger and cup of coffee you had for lunch. Your gut houses an intricate, complex system of bacteria that many experts consider an organ in itself. This microbiome plays a vital role in your digestion, health, and general wellbeing, but certain everyday factors, particularly in your diet,…

Promoting Your Children’s Gut Health
The human microbiome is comprised of the trillions of bacteria populating the human gastrointestinal system. This collective of microorganisms is complex enough that some experts have begun to consider it as its own organ system. It makes sense that the gut microbiome plays a role in digestion and metabolism, but it may also play an…

How Can I Repair My Stomach Lining
Leaky gut is a related condition that affects the lining of the intestine. Leaky gut is characterized by cracks or holes in the lining, which allow partially digested food proteins, bacteria, and environmental toxins to penetrate the tissues and enter your bloodstream. This can result in changes to your natural gut bacteria, which can contribute…

How to Maintain Your Gut Health During the Holidays
With the holidays right around the corner, it’s time to ready your heart, mind, and body for the festivities, from family time to bountiful feasts. While you should by all means enjoy the holidays, it’s also important to keep your gut in check. Read on to learn more about how you can maintain good gut…

How to Improve the Health of Your Gut Microbiome
Your digestive system is home to a diverse array of bacteria. Some of these bacteria are good, some are bad, and some have no real effect at all. However, the gentle balance of these bacteria is necessary to the ecosystem in your gut known as the microbiome, and a healthy gut microbiome contributes a variety…

Probiotics: What You Need to Know
Probiotics support good digestive health. As such, probiotic supplements are popular choices for individuals who have gastrointestinal (GI) concerns and want to keep the gut (and immune system) as healthy as possible. What Are Probiotics? Probiotics (as dietary supplements) are live bacteria that are added to the existing bacteria which inhabits the human body (the…