Bovine colostrum is the first milk mother cows produce after giving birth to a calf. This nutrient-dense milk plays a critical role in the development of young calves. It has also captured the attention of health advocates throughout the years, and the history of colostrum being used by people extends back thousands of years. In…

Top 4 Signs You May Have Leaky Gut
An estimated 60-70 million Americans are affected by a digestive condition, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). One of the most prevalent digestive disorders, and not a disease, is a condition called “leaky gut.” Also known as intestinal permeability, leaky gut can have a direct impact on your overall health. Leaky gut has been…

Healthy Eating Habits During the 2022 Holiday Season
How to Turn Bad Health Habits into Good Ones during the 2021 Holiday Season The merriment of the holiday season brings gatherings and copious amounts of high-calorie food and drink. With so much temptation, it’s easy to slide into bad health habits during the holiday season. The good news is that you can turn those…

The Importance of Gut Health
The Importance of Gut Health Did you know that your gut health plays an integral role in your overall health, including your brain? Gut health refers to the function of the gastrointestinal tract which is comprised of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. A well-functioning gastrointestinal tract depends on a balance of good bacteria in our…

How to Stay Regular While Using Bovine Colostrum
An estimated 63 million people in the United States suffer from occasional constipation, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In fact, it’s one of the most common digestive complaints, and for good reason. Occasional constipation can make you feel bloated, irritable and downright fatigued. It’s no wonder of those 63 million people, 2.5…

What Are the Benefits of Taking Bovine Colostrum-LD?
For years people have been searching for a way to improve their gut health and overall well-being with a single product. In their search for this miracle product, many have found themselves researching colostrum, and more specifically, liposomally delivered bovine colostrum. While no product is a miracle product, the good news is that colostrum seems…

Signs Your Gut Bacteria Are Imbalanced
Your gut is home to more than the cheeseburger and cup of coffee you had for lunch. Your gut houses an intricate, complex system of bacteria that many experts consider an organ in itself. This microbiome plays a vital role in your digestion, health, and general wellbeing, but certain everyday factors, particularly in your diet,…

A Healthy Gut Needs a Microbiome-Friendly Diet
Your gut plays host to a complex community of trillions of bacteria known as your gut flora, or gut microbiome. The gut microbiome is comprised of a delicate balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria that play a role in digestion and absorption of nutrients as well as general support for your immune health. However, due…

7 Signs You Have Leaky Gut
Leaky gut is an increasingly pervasive health disorder in Western societies. It occurs when the lining of the small intestine becomes excessively permeable (develops “holes”), and as such, leads to the crossover of toxins, negative elements, and undigested food particles into the bloodstream. Once these foreign substances crossover, the immune system attacks them. Eventually, the…

How to Test For Leaky Gut
Leaky gut, also referred to as intestinal hyperpermeability, is a primary cause of many health concerns. Those who understand the implications of leaky gut and pursue diagnostic testing for it can properly identify and address this growing health problem. How to Test For Leaky Gut was last modified: January 13th, 2023 by Samantha Lander