Colostrum is the “first food of life,” and it helps promote newborn growth and development. All mammalian mothers produce colostrum late in pregnancy and in the first few days after the birth of their young. Colostrum contains a plethora of substances which ensure these newborns can get the nutrients they need to thrive. Animal babies…

Detoxing with Colostrum-LD®: Here’s What You Need to Know
Leaky gut perpetuates the toxic effects of what we ingest when substances “leak” into the bloodstream. Without supporting the gut, detoxing is at best a temporary fix. Detoxing with Colostrum-LD®: Here’s What You Need to Know was last modified: January 13th, 2023 by Samantha Lander

Bovine Colostrum Advocates Share Their Expertise
Bovine colostrum is an exceptional nutritional supplement because it has been shown to help users improve immune function, prevent infection, heal a leaky gut, increase muscle strength and stamina, accelerate the recovery process after exercise or injury, and attenuate the deleterious effects of aging. Many physicians and health professional have joined the bovine colostrum movement…