Have you heard of the overnight colostrum with fiber solution? Bovine colostrum has gained in popularity for its many reported health benefits. People have found it effective in fighting fatigue and supplying vital nutrients that might be missing from our daily diets. But the potential health benefits of bovine colostrum extend way beyond a daily…

How Colostrum Benefits Your Skincare Routine
Did you know that the largest organ of the human body is your skin? It is the first line of defense in fighting environmental factors related to aging. One of the first indicators of aging skin is the formation of fine lines and wrinkles, which seem to appear without warning. But wrinkles show up like…

How Long Does It Take for Colostrum to Work?
Bovine colostrum is the milk-like fluid secreted by cows, humans, and all other mammals in late pregnancy and the first few days after giving birth, prior to the appearance of true milk. It has become an increasingly popular nutritional supplement. How Long Does It Take Colostrum to Work? Like any other dietary supplement, the length…

How Stress Can Impact Your Gut Health and Overall Health
Whether you have extensive family responsibilities, a demanding job, or simply a lot going on in your life, stress is a relatively normal aspect of modern existence. While occasional stress is expected (and in some cases, healthy), constant stress can present some serious effects to nearly all aspects of your health, from your mental health…

Are Mid-Level and Professional Athletes the Prime Benefactors of Bovine Colostrum?
Bovine colostrum supplements continue to grow in popularity, particularly among athletes of all skill and experience levels. While the nutrient-rich supplement offers a wide range of potential benefits for nearly everyone, we wondered if bovine colostrum was especially beneficial for mid-level and professional athletes. To get to the bottom of things, we talked to Dr….

Manage Leaky Gut with Dietary Changes and Exercise
Leaky gut, or intestinal hyperpermeability of the gastrointestinal (GI) lining which otherwise separates waste in the bowels from the bloodstream. When the GI lining becomes more porous than normal, it results in large spaces between the cells (“tight junctions”) of the gut wall. When these spaces open, materials like bacteria, fungi, parasites, undigested food particles,…

Colostrum: The Alternative or Adjunct to Breastmilk
Bovine colostrum may provide the best substitute and/or complement to breastmilk for mothers who cannot breastfeed, have adopted a baby, or need to supplement their baby’s formula. Colostrum was designed by nature as the first food for infants and contains critical nutritional factors that help fortify a baby’s immune system and put him or her…

The Top 5 Anti-Aging Properties of Colostrum
Bovine colostrum contains many growth and immune factors that have been shown to help delay the effects associated with the aging process. The good news for consumers is that colostrum supplements are natural alternatives to many expensive, time-intensive, and painful anti-aging treatments. The most common signs of aging include loss of muscle mass, bone density, and skin…

Natural Remedies for Growing Pains
The condition known as ‘growing pains’ refers to soreness in a child’s legs. It causes throbbing or discomfort and generally occurs at night. In some instances, ‘growing pains’ cause a child to wake up from sleep. Natural Remedies for Growing Pains was last modified: January 13th, 2023 by Samantha Lander

Why You Need Colostrum in Your Skincare Regime
Want to enjoy a healthy complexion and beautiful skin? Add bovine colostrum to a skincare regime, and you may be able to reduce the effects of aging on the skin and save money on skincare products. Many people spend hundreds or thousands of dollars annually on face moisturizers, eye creams, toners, and other skincare products….