How Can I Repair My Stomach Lining

Leaky gut is a related condition that affects the lining of the intestine. Leaky gut is characterized by cracks or holes in the lining, which allow partially digested food proteins, bacteria, and environmental toxins to penetrate the tissues and enter your bloodstream. This can result in changes to your natural gut bacteria, which can contribute to digestive concerns.
How to Heal Your Stomach Lining with Natural Supplements
The good news is that you may be able to heal your stomach lining with natural supplements that are easy to digest and filled with beneficial nutrients.
Bovine colostrum is the milk-like fluid produced by cows in the few days immediately after giving birth, before the appearance of true milk. Colostrum is a rich source of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, along with vitamins, minerals, growth factors, and other immune-supporting bioactives.
Bovine colostrum powder with liposomal delivery (LD) may help the body maintain tight junctions that comprise the gut lining and prevent negative substances from entering via the bloodstream.
LD is vital to protect the bioactive components in colostrum for maximum effect in both the stomach and small intestine. The natural growth factors and hormones in colostrum may help to repair damaged cells and maintain tight junction integrity while feeding the good bacteria in your gut. Colostrum can also be considered a prebiotic because of its ability to feed the good bacteria.
Additionally, colostrum contains a wide range of immune bioactives that promote gut health and microbiome balance. These include colostrum polypeptides, sometimes called proline-rich polypeptides (PRPs), immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, and lysozyme.
Probiotics refer to the good bacteria that live within your gut. They help break down food, absorb nutrients, and balance out the harmful bacteria. Some studies suggest that probiotics may even contribute to healthy immune functions.
Imbalances in probiotics are often associated with damage to the gut and stomach lining and general digestive concerns. Probiotic-rich foods and supplements can help to replenish the good gut bacteria and promote healing. Some probiotics you should incorporate into your diet include:
- Lactobacillus acidophilus: L. acidophilus is a beneficial bacterium that exists naturally in the intestines and vagina. It is typically used as a probiotic to treat GI issues due to an overgrowth of bacteria.
- Bifidobacterium lactis: B. lactis is a multi-purpose beneficial bacterium that inhabits the gut, and it assists with digestion and fights damage to the GI lining caused by some bacteria. B. lactis belongs to the genus Bifidobacterium and is commonly added to yogurt and other commercial dairy products.
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus: L. rhamnosus assists in the regulation of symptoms related to occasional diarrhea. L. rhamnosus may lessen mood concerns.
- Bifidobacterium bifidum: As a member of genus Bifidobacterium, bifidum is one of the most common probiotic bacteria found in the human body.
- Bifidobacterium longum: B. longum is one of the thirty-two species belonging to the genus Bifidobacterium. It is one of the initial colonizers of a newborn’s GI tract, and although not a significant bacterium in the adult GI tract, its ability to produce lactic acid helps prevent the growth of negative gut microbes.
Along with these supplements, you can make some simple lifestyle changes to help heal your stomach lining.
Diet tends to be the biggest contributor to gut damage. The standard American diet, which is high in sugar and saturated fats and low in dietary fiber, has been shown to drive inflammation. Try to avoid foods that are processed or contain added sugars.
Consult with your doctor and ask if you may be able to switch to an alternate medication while your stomach is healing.
Which Option Works Best to Heal the Stomach Lining?
One or more of the aforementioned options may be used to help correct digestive issues or stop them from happening. To determine which option may work best to heal the stomach lining, it is important to meet with your doctor. That way, you can receive a medical evaluation and understand your different options to safely address digestive issues and prevent them from recurring.
The Bottom Line on How to Repair Your Stomach Lining
- For those who are exploring nutrition-based ways to heal the stomach lining, many options are available, including natural supplements like bovine colostrum and probiotics.
- In addition to natural supplements, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle may lower the risk of digestive issues.
- To determine how to heal your stomach lining and combat long-term digestive issues, consult with a doctor.